Well, the evening started off by us retrieving Becca's computer for Erick to work on this weekend while she and the boys are out of town. At this time, Briana had to say goodbye to her man because she was really gonna miss him, until she found out she had some cool plans with a friend: the Castle/Central football game, a sleepover, and then a trip to the St. Louis Zoo today! This, however, is where the fun began. Said friend was dropped off at our house for us to take to and retrieve from the football game. We dropped the girls off, told them to stay together, and went on our merry way to rent movies. Soon after we finished at Blockbuster and headed over to Family Video, we got a call: said friend ran off and left Brie alone so she and her other friends could go check their makeup, flirt with boys, show off...whatever those types of girls do. They left without Brie even noticing because she was watching the game...duh! So she called and asked us to pick her up, which we did once we had her scan the area for other people she knew who she might be able to hang out with and found nobody she knew. Anyway, we left said friend at the game because we couldn't find her, her cell phone was off (how responsible), and because Brie was so upset. We promptly called said friend's mother, who was quite perturbed, and she went to the game to retrieve her daughter, had a terrible time finding her as well, and she made her call to apologize to Brie. Of course the girl made it like it was innocent, etc, but it was ridiculous. SO, I've banned Brie from hanging out with this girl outside of school, including the Zoo trip today. Maybe, perhaps one day I'll let her sleep over or let Brie sleep over there. We'll just see if I'm not still angry. Anyway, after Brie and her friend were safely home, we watched a movie and some things Erick had recorded. So, after the evening was eventful, it turned out to be boring/cozy/calm. A pretty good night for me since I was glad to have my whole family here at one time for once!
I haven't done this in a while.
15 years ago
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