Saturday, October 06, 2007

Big, Huge Thanks

To Cathy! A while back she gave me a nebulizer for me to use at home. At the time, my insurance would not pay for one and Maggie had outgrown the need for it, or was it Chloe? I forget which sweet baby it was needed for, but you get the point. Anyway, I have used it a number of times for myself, and a few times on the kiddies, Ben in particular. Tonight was Olivia's turn. I am starting to think she either has asthma or has a cat allergy, which is what led to my asthma. She spent some time with Rachel Wednesday and again overnight last night and she has 2 kitties! Tonight she was coughing really hard and described it as full lungs and not just a scratchy throat, so I busted out the neb and she's already feeling MUCH better! Anyway, Cathy, thank you so much for this gift! It's being put to good use and so appreciated! I love you! :)

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