Friday, October 05, 2007


I literally have ZILCH to post about today, so I am blatantly and unabashedly stealing this from Perri's blog! I have about a million surveys/quizzes that I could post from my MYSPACE page, but wow...that doesn't count as a blog does it?? Maybe I'll do one of them next, just to see!! LOL Thanks Perri!

4 things about me:

Jobs I've had:
1. Office Cleaning
2. Burger Flipper
3. Refrigerator Assembler
4. Cashier

Places I have lived (I did a little different take on this one since I didn't move around):
1. Duplex
2. Apartment
3. House
4. Dorm

Food I love (and I do believe Mt. Dew should be considered a food group...LOL):
1. Bacon Cheeseburgers
2. Spaghetti
3. Mexican
4. Cookies

Websites I visit daily:
1. Blogger
2. My bank
3. Weather Forecast
4. myspace

Places I'd rather be (like Perri, I won't say 'rather', I'll say would enjoy being for a short time):
1. Church
2. On a warm, sunny beach pretty much anywhere
3. Dancing
4. At the movies

Movies I love:
1. While You Were Sleeping
2. Forrest Gump
3. Ocean's 11
4. Passion of the Christ

TV shows I watch (I didn't steal Perri's answers here, I swear):
1. House
2. Monk
3. Psych
4. Lost

People I tag:
1. Since I very blatantly stole this...
2. ...and was not tagged...
3. ...I don't think it would be fair...
4. tag anyone!

Thanks goes to Perri for allowing me to 'borrow' this! Her blogs are always so much more interesting anyway and she's very inspiring to me, not just in blog land, but in life! Love ya much Perri!!

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