Friday, August 14, 2009


Since I get on Facebook every single day, I find I ignore my blog more than I used to, so here is kind of an update...

The first 3-day week of school has been good. According to the earning levels mandated by the state, we do qualify for free or reduced lunches and textbooks, so that'll help, especially with a freshman, and the instituting of the account system a few years ago helps keep that anonymous, so there's no embarrassment. Normally I wouldn't care and my kids have pretty much told all their friends, but we go to a stereotypical rich kids' school and there has already been some things said about the size of our new place as opposed to the house, sooo...I'm happy with anonymity.

Band is starting up with an 8-hour Saturday practice tomorrow, and the next Saturday, and the next...then I think the 12th they have practice AND the Central Invitational...sooo...lotta work for this! She seems to like it, but is still on the fence. Guess we'll see how she feels when they start their major winning! LOL

Olivia seems nervous. She doesn't have any classes with friends and doesn't make friends easily, so lunch is a time of relief and comfort for her. I think she'll be more focused when she doesn't have her very best friends in her classes, but we'll see.

And Joseph, no complaints from him, he's always joyful and loves his teacher already. Of course, his teacher adored his big sister when she was dominating on the Spell Bowl team, so she may already have a soft spot for the Shoup family!! :)

Church is going great...still teaching Sunday School to the Middle School class and running the occasional Wednesday night RIOT and Sunday night Refuge. Might be fully in charge, along with Jimmy, on Wednesday nights while Dave teaches a marriage class for several weeks. Still in prayer about that. Got some cool things coming up with the youth, including a retreat that band will most definitely interfere with, but we can go part of the time...

Fees are enormous for band, with the regular fees and Grand Nationals, but oh well. It's an honor for them!

Tonight is the 24 hour prayer vigil at YHOP...I plan to be there part of the time. Time to connect with the Lord in a major way. Cannot wait...speaking of which, I had better get my errands ran and nap some...will be up LATE LATE LATE! Take care all!!

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